12/21/2022 - Welcoming new graduate students tot he group! Emma Markum, Nicole Shapiro (co-advised with Dave Cwierty) and Ecem Celik (co-advised with Korey Carter)!
12/20/2022 - New publication with the Mason group: L. J. Augustine, H. Rajapaksha, M.M. F. Pyrch, M. Kasperski, T. Z. Forbes, and Sara E. Mason "Periodic Density Functional Theory calculations of uranyl tetrachloride compounds engaged in uranyl-cation and uranyl-hydrogen interactions: Electronic structure, vibrational, and thermodynamic analyses." https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c03476
12/16/2022 - New publication with the Cerrato group: I. Meza, J. Gonzalez-Estrella, P. C. Burns, V. Rodriguez, C. A. Velasco, G. E. Sigmon, J. E. S. Szymanowski, T. Z. Forbes, L. M. Applegate, A.-M S. Ali, P. Lichtner, and J. M. Cerrato. "Solubility and thermodynamic investigation of meta-autunite group uranyl arsenate solids with monovalent cations Na and K. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c06648
11/7/2022 - New publication with the Leddy group: L. C. Applegate, V. S. Samarasiri, J. Leddy, and T. Z. Forbes "Impacts of surface adsorption on the water uptake within a metal organic nanotube material." https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.2c01124
11/3/2022 - New publication with the Cwiertny group: M. E. Carolan, R.J. Langel, D. May, A. DeSalvo, H. E. gonzalez-Ribot, A. J. Mattson, M. D. Schueller, D. A. Thompson, D. M. Cwiertny, T. Z. Forbes "Survey of 226Ra/228Ra and inorganic constituents in Iowa private drinking water wells. https://doi.org/10.1002/aws2.1311
10/22/2022 - Congrats to all the Forbes grad students who presented at the Midwest ACS meeting in Iowa City. You all did great!
10/21/2022 - Tori receives the University of Iowa Collegiate Scholar Award https://chem.uiowa.edu/news/forbes-receives-collegiate-scholar-award
10/17/2022 - Excited to work with Dr. Sara Mason on the newly funded DOE grant on carbon capture! https://chem.uiowa.edu/news/forbes-and-mason-awarded-funds-for-chemical-and-materials-science-advance-clean-energy
9/13/2022 - New publication: M.M.F. Pyrch, J. L. Bjorklund, J. M. Williams, M. Kasperski, S. E. Mason "Investigations of the cobalt hexamine uranyl carbonate system: Understanding the influence of charge and hydrogen bonding on the modification of vibrational modes in uranyl compounds." https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c01982
8/29/2022 - It's official! Tori was promoted to Full Professor in the Department of Chemistry. https://chem.uiowa.edu/news/tori-forbes-promoted-professor
8/17/2022 - New publication with the Cerrato group: N. Shaikh, J. Qian, S. Kim, H. Phan, J. S. Lezama-Pacheco, A.-M. S. Ali, D. M. Cwiertny, T. Z. Forbes, A. J. Haes, J. M. Cerrato "U(VI) binding onto electrospun polymers functionalized with phsophonate surfactants." https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2022.108448
7/1/2022 - New publication: M Shohel,J. A. Smith, and T. Z. Forbes. "Cr3+ incorporation in to an Al3+ Keggin-type oligomer to form the Al25.7Cr6.3S216+ polycation" https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inoche.2022.109519
6/17/2022 - New publication: M Shohel, K.K. Ray, A. V. Tivanski, N. E. B. McAdams, A. M. Bancroft, B. D. Cramer, and T. Z. Forbes. "Nanomechanical variability in the early evolution of vertebrate dentition." https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-14157-2
5/13/2022 - Congrats to Mikaela Pyrch and Lindsey Applegate in their Ph.D. graduation! Mikaela is off to UC Berkeley and Lindsey will be an assistant professor at Webster University in Fall 2022!
5/4/2022 - Congrats to Mikaela Pyrch for receiving the Lynn Anderson award for best Ph.D. dissertation in the Department of Chemistry!
5/3/2022 - Huge congrats to Mikaela for receiving the MPS-Ascend NSF Postdoc Fellowship!!!! https://chem.uiowa.edu/news/mikaela-pyrch-receives-nsf-postdoctoral-research-fellowship
3/22/2022 - Congrats to Samatha for receiving an NSF GRFP!! https://chem.uiowa.edu/news/ui-chemistry-students-recognized-the-2022-nsf-graduate-research-fellowship-program
3/22/2022 - Congrats to Samatha for receiving the University of Iowa Graduate College summer fellowship and post-comprehensive research fellowship!!
3/22/2022 - Congrats to Haley Lightfoot for being selected for the ACS Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry Summer School and to Nick Dahlen for making his decision to join the graduate program at MSU next fall!! Also big win for Maguire Kasperski for getting his dream job doing glacier tours in Alaska ths summer.
3/18/2022 - Huge congrats to Dmytro for winning the University of Iowa Graduate Research Excellence Award!!!
3/14/2022 - New publication: D. V. Kravchuk and T. Z. Forbes "Mechanochemical activation and oxidation of U(IV)O2" https://doi.org/10.1039/D2CC00242F
3/14/2022 - Tori has official started as the Director of the University of Iowa MATFab facility.
3/11/2022 - Congrats to Dmytro for being selected for the G. T. Seaborg Institute Graduate Research Program at Los Alamos National Laboratory!
2/28/2022 - New publication: M.M. F. Pyrch, L. J. Augustine, J. A. Williams, S. E. Mason, T. Z. Forbes "Use of vibrational spectroscopy to identify the formation of neptunyl–neptunyl interactions: a paired density functional theory and Raman spectroscopy study" https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2022/dt/d2dt00200k/unauth
1/14/2022 - New publication: D.V. Kravchuk and T.Z. Forbes, "Mechanochemical synthesis of crystalline U(vi) triperoxide solids" https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2022/CE/D1CE01479J
1/1/2022 - Welcome to our new graduate students Grant Benthin, Harindu Rajapaksha, Vidumini Samarasiri, and Sarah Scherrer!
12/17/2021 - Congrats to Shohel for finishing up his Ph.D. We will miss you but looking forward to seeing all the great science that you will do as a postdoctoral scholar with with Prof. May Nyman at Oregon State!
12/17/2021 - Congrats to Maggie for graduating with a M.S. Good luck in Colorado!!
12/1/2021 - New publication: J. A. Williams, M. M. Pyrch, D. K. Unruh, T. Z. Forbes "Influence of heterocyclic N-donors onthe structural topologies and vibrational spectra of uranyl selenate phases." https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0022459621006642
11/19/2021 - New publication with the Cerrato group: C. A. Velasco, A. J. Brearley, J.Gonzalez-Estrella, A-M.S. Ali, M. I. Meza, S. E. Cabaniss, B. M. Thomson, T. Z. Forbes, J. S. Lezama Pacheco, J. M. Cerrato "From Adsorption to Precipitation of U(VI): What is the Role of pH and Natural Organic Matter?" https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.est.1c05429
10/28/2021 - Congrats to Mikaela for receiving the Ballard-Seashore Dissertation Award!!
10/21/2021 - New publication: M. Shohel, J. A. Smith, M. A. Carolan, and T. Z. Forbes "Thermal Aging of Heteroatom-Substituted Keggin-Type Aluminum Oxo Polycation Solutions: Aggregation Behavior and Impacts on Humic Acid and Turbidity Removal." https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acsestwater.1c00196
8/26/2021 - New publication: D.V. Kravchuk, T. Z. Forbes "Thermodynamics and Chemical Behavior of Uranyl Superoxide at Elevated Temperatures." https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acsmaterialsau.1c00033
5/1/2021 - Congrats to Jack Smith and Haley Lightfoot for receiving summer ICRU Fellows!
4/27/2021 - Congrats to Nicholas Dalhen for receiving the Donald J. Burton and Margaret A. Burton Scholarship!!!
4/27/2021 - Congrats to Haley Lightfoot for receiving the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Award.
4/14/2021 - New Publication: D.V. Kravchuk, N. N. Dahlen, S. J. Kruse, C. D. Malliakas, P. M. Shand, T. Z. Forbes "Isolation and reactivity of Uranyl superoxide." https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202103039
2/8/2021 - New Publication with the Mason Group: J. L Bjorklund, M. Shohel, J. W Bennett, J. A Smith, M. E Carolan, E. Hollar, T. Z Forbes, S. E Mason "Density functional theory and thermodynamics analysis of MAl12 Keggin substitution reactions: Insights into ion incorporation and experimental confirmation." https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0038962
1/22/2021 - New Publication with the Mason Group (Hot Article): M. Shohel, J. L. Bjorklund, J. A. Smith, D. V. Kravchuk, S. E. Mason, T. Z. Forbes "Formation of Nanoscale [Ge4O16Al48(OH)108(H2O)24]20+ from Condensation of ϵ‐GeAl128+ Keggin Polycations." https://doi.org/10.1002/ange.202017321
1/15/2021 - New Publication: A. A. Peroutka, M. M. Pyrch, J. M. Williams, M. K. Payne, T.Z. Forbes "Exploring competitive metal binding and crystallization of UO22+ and Cu2+ tetrahydrofuran-2,3,4,5-tetracarboxylic acid complexes." https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poly.2020.114904
12/10/2020 - New publication: A. Blanes Diaz, D. V. Kravchuk, A. A. Peroutka, E. Cole, M. C. Basile, T. Z. Forbes "Photoinduced Transformation of Uranyl Nitrate Crown Ether Compounds" https://doi.org/10.1002/ejic.202000705
7/19/2020 - New publication with the Mason Group: M. Shohel, J. L. Bjorklund, E. A. Ovrom, S. E. Mason, Tori Z. Forbes "Ga3+ Incorporation into Al13 Keggin Polyoxometalates and the Formation of (GaAl12)7+ and (Ga2.5Al28.5)19+ Polycations." DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c00743
7/8/2020 - New publication with the Cramer Group: M. Shohel, N.E. B McAdams, B. D. Cramer, T. Z. Forbes. "Ontogenetic variability in crystallography and mosaicity of conodont apatite: implications for microstructure, palaeothermometry and geochemistry." DOI: 10.1098/rsos.200322
6/17/2020 - Congrats to Mikaela for winning the 2020 Innovations in Nuclear Technology R&D Award from the Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Technology Research and Development!
5/21/2020 - New publication with the Cwiertny Group: D. V. Kravchuk, A. Blanes Diaz, M. E. Carolan, E. A. Mpundu, D. M. Cwiertny, T. Z. Forbes. "Uranyl Speciation on the Surface of Amidoximated Polyacrylonitrile Mats." DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c00440
5/14/2020 - Congrats to Dmytro for receiving the UI Department of Chemistry Best Inorganic Chemistry Seminar award for 2019-2020!
4/21/2020 - New publication: L.C. Applegate and T. Z. Forbes. "Controlling Water Structure and Behavior: Design Principles from Metal Organic Nanotubular Materials." DOI: 10.1039/D0CE00331J
4/15/2020 - New publication with the Mason and Leddy groups: M. M. Pyrch, J. L. Bjorklund, J. M. Williams, D. L. Parr IV, S. E. Mason, J. Leddy, T. Z. Forbes. "Impacts of hydrogen bonding interactions with Np(V/VI)O2Cl4 complexes: vibrational spectroscopy, redox behavior, and computational analysis." DOI:10.1039/D0DT00848F
3/26/2020 - New publication: M. M. Pyrch, J. M. Williams, M. W. Kasperski, L. C. Applegate, T.Z. Forbes. "Synthesis and Characterization of Np(VI) and U(VI) Tetrachloride Complexes Crystallized with 2,2-Bipyridine." DOI: 10.1016/j.ica.2020.119628
3/12/2020 - Congrats to Dmytro for receiving a University of Iowa Post-comprehensive Exam Graduate Fellowship!
2/28/2020 - Congrats to Ally and Anamar for acceptance into their top graduate programs! Ally will be going to Colorado School of Mines and Anamar will be joining the chemistry program at Georgetown University.
1/24/2020 - Congrats to Dmytro for successfully completing his comprehensive exam!
12/12/2019 - New publication with the Cwiertny and Cerrato groups: A. Johns, J. Qian, M. E. Carolan, N. Shaikh, A. Peroutka, A. Seeger, J. M. Cerrato, T. Z. Forbes, and D. M. Cwiertny. "Functionalized electrospun polymer nanofibers for treatment of water contaminated with uranium." DOI: 10.1039/C9EW00834A
10/11/2019 - New publication: D.V. Kravchuk and T. Z. Forbes. "In Situ Generation of Organic Peroxide to Create a Nanotubular Uranyl Peroxide Phosphate" DOI: 10.1002/anie.201910287
7/11/2019 - New publication: M. M Pyrch, J. M. Williams and T. Z. Forbes. "Exploring crown-ether functionalization on the stabilization of hexavalent neptunium." DOI: 10.1039/C9CC04393D
5/21/2019 - New publication: J. L. Bjorklund, M. M. Pyrch, M. C. Basile, S. E. Mason, and T. Z. Forbes. "Actinyl-cation interactions: Exerimental and theoretical assessment of [UO2Cl4]2- and [Np(VI)O2Cl4]2- in solid state and aqueous solutions." DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.9b00044
4/29/2019 - Welcome summer students: Alessandra Dutra, Maguire Kasperski, Eric Thomas, and Samantha Kruse
4/29/2019 - Congrats to Allison Peroutka for winning an ACS Inorganic Chemistry Award!
4/29/2019 - Congrats to Lindsey and Mikaela for successfully completing their comprehensive exam!
4/11/2019 - Congrats to Dr. Mo Payne for successfully defending his Ph.D. and accepting an offer to become a postdoctoral scholar at Sandia National Laboratory.
3/20/2019 - New publication with the Mason group: J. L. Bjorklund, J. W. Bennett, T. Z. Forbes, and S. E. Mason. "Modeling of the MAl12 Keggin reactivity by anion adsorption." DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.9b00044
1/23/2019 - New publication: A.S. Jayasinghe, L. C. Applegate, D. K. Unruh, J. Hutton, T. Z. Forbes. "Utilizing autoxoidation of solvents to promote the formation of uranyl peroxide materials."DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b01735
12/10/2018 - New publication with the Alessi group at U Alberta: S. L. Flynn, K. von Gunten, T. Warchola, K. Snihur, T. Z. Forbes, G. G. Goss, M. K. Gingras, K. O. Konhauser, D. S. Alessi. "Characterization and implications of solids associated with hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water from the Duvernay Formation, Alberta, Canada." DOI: 10.1039/C8EM00404H
10/4/2018 - Congrats to Shohel for winning the University of Iowa Graduate Collect Post-Comprehensive Research Fellowship for Spring 2019!!
8/30/2018 - New publication with UC Berkeley: K.P. Carter, J. Jian, M.M. Pyrch, T. Z. Forbes, R. J.Abergel, W. A. de Jong, J. K. Gibson. "Reductive activation of neptunyl and plutonyl oxo species with a hydroxypyridinone chelating ligand." DOI: 10.1039/C8CC05626A
8/23/2018 - New publication: M. K. Payne, M. M. Pyrch, M. Jubinsky, M. C. Basil, and T.Z. Forbes. "Impacts of oxo interactions within actinyl metal organic materials: highlight on thermal expansion behaviour." DOI: 10.1039/c8CC05240a
6/14/2018 - New publication with the Haes group: G. Lu, A. J. Haes and T.Z. Forbes. "Detection and identification of solids, surfaces, and solutions of uranium using vibratioanl spectroscopy." DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2018.07.010
5/21/2018 - Congrats to Shohel for winning the Best Graduate Student Paper Award at the Regional GSA meeting in April!
5/9/2018 - New publication with the Haes and Cwiertny group: G. Lu, A. J. Johns, B. Neupane, H. T. Phan, D. M. Cwiertny, T.Z. Forbes, A. J. Haes. "Matrix-Independent Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection of Uranyl using Electrospun Amidoximated Polyacrylonitrile Mats and Gold Nanostars." DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b00655
11/28/2016 - New publication: Eric S. Eitrheim, Dustin May, Tori Z. Forbes and Andrew W. Nelson "Disequilbrium of Naturally Occuring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in Drill Cuttings from a Horizaontal Drilling Operation." Environmental Science and Technology Letters http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.estlett.6b00439
11/23/2016 - Congrats to Mo Payne for recieving the Iowa Space Grant Consortium Fellowship!
11/18/2016 - Congrats to Erica Cole for receiving a DOE Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship! Erica will be spending the next few months at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
11/15/2016 - Congrats to Dr. Andrew Knight on his successful Ph.D. defense and his new postdoc position at Sandia National Laboratory!
10/26/2016 - New publication:Ashini S. Jayasinghe, Samuel Salzman, and Tori Z. Forbes "Metal substituion into metal organic nanotubes: impacts on solven uptake and stability" Crystal Growth and Design http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.cgd.6b0126
8/9/2016 - New publication with the Haes Group: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2016/an/c6an00891g#!divAbs...
6/16/2016 - Professor Forbes has been promoted to Associate Professor of Chemistry. http://www.chem.uiowa.edu/news/dr-tori-forbes-promoted-associate-professor
6/8/2016 - Erica Cole featured on Iowa Now! http://now.uiowa.edu/2016/06/chemistry-herky
6/7/2016 - We want to welcome all of our summer students: Steven Tucker, Lindsey Floryance, Vincent Parra, Rachel Roberman, Maggie Schnell, Jeffrey Nassif, David Lafayette, and Mackenzie Cole.
5/17/2016 - Congrats to Dr. Joshua de Groot for successfully defending his Ph.D and for his new position as a lecturer at Northwest Missouri State University.
4/26/2016 - Congrats to both Madeline and Mo for passing their comprehensive exams.
4/6/2016 - Congrats to Andrew Knight for being awarded a Ballard Seashore Dissertation Fellowship from the UI Graduate College.
4/3/2016 - Professor Forbes was named a University of Iowa Dean's Scholar http://clas.uiowa.edu/news/clas-names-collegiate-scholars-deans-scholars-deans-distinguished-lecturer
3/30/2016 - Congrats to Mo Payne for his Honorable mention for both the NSF Graduate Student Fellowship Program and the Ford Foundation Fellowship!!
3/1/2016 - New publication with the Schultz and Bettis Research Groups: Andrew W. Nelson, Adam J. Johns, Eric S. Eithreim, Andrew W. Knight, Madeline Basile, E. Arther Bettis III, Michael K. Schultz, and Tori Z. Forbes "Partitioning of naturally-occuring radionuclides (NORM) in Marcellus Shale produced fluids influenced by chemical matrix." http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2016/em/c5em00540j#!divAbs...
2/8/2016 - Congrats Erica on her first publication! New publication: Erica Cole, Erin Flores, Madeline Basile, Ashini Jayasinghe, Joshua de Groot, Daniel K. Unruh, and Tori Z. Forbes*. "Directing dimensionality in uranyl malate and copper uranyl malate compounds." Polyhedron http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277538716000449
12/8/2015 - Welcome Jennifer Bjorklund and Taylor Fetrow to the Forbes Research Group!
12/8/2015 - New publication with the Haes Research Group: Grace Lu, Tori Forbes, and Amanda Haes. "Evaluating Best Practices in Raman Spectral Analysis for Uranium Speciation and Relative Abundance in Aqueous Solutions." Analytical Chemistry http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.analchem.5b03038
8/7/2015 - New publication: Katie W. Corum, Melissa Fairley, Daniel K. Unruh, Maurice K. Payne, Tori Z. Forbes*, and Sara E. Mason*. "Characterization of Phosphate and Arsenate Adsorption onto Keggin-Type Al30 Cations by Experimental and Theoretical Methods." Inorganic Chemistry http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.5b01039
7/7/2015 - New publication: Ashini S. Jayasinghe, Daniel K. Unruh, Andrew Kral, Anna Libo, and Tori Z. Forbes*. "Structural Features in Metal-Organic Nanotube Crystals That Influence Stability and Solvent Uptake." Crystal Growth & Design http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.cgd.5b00653
6/29/2015 - New publication: Melissa Fairley, Katie W. Corum, Adam Johns, Daniel K. Unruh, Madeline Basile, Joshua de Groot, Sara E. Mason* and Tori Z. Forbes*. "Isolation and characterization of the [Ga2Al18O8(OH)36(H2O)12]18+ cluster: Cationic Variations of the Wells-Dawson topology." Chemical Communications
5/18/2015 - We welcome our summer students: Taylor Buresh (University of Dubuque), Steven Tucker (University of Iowa), Jenny, and Diego. Brittany, Erica, and Jeremy have stayed for the summer as well.
5/18/2015 - We welcome graduate student Eric Eitrheim to our group.
5/12/2015 - New publication: Andrew W. Knight, Andrew W. Nelson, Eric S. Eitrheim, Tori Z. Forbes, and Michael K. Schultz*. "A chromatographic separation of neptunium and protactinium using 1-octanol impregnated onto a solid phase support." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10967-015-4124-3
5/6/2015 - Professor Forbes was just awarded the Department of Energy Early Career Award. More information can be found here: http://research.uiowa.edu/impact/news/ui-chemistry-researcher-forbes-net...
4/2/2015 - New publication: Andrew W. Nelson, Eric S. Eitrheim, Andrew W. Knight, Dustin May, Marinea A. Mehrhoff, Robert Shannon, Robert Litman, William C. Burnett, Tori Z. Forbes, and Michael K. Schultz*. "Understanding the Radioactive Ingrowth and Decay of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in the Environment: An Analysis of Produced Fluids from the Marcellus Shale." Environmental Health Perspectives http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/1408855/. This article is featured in the EHP News section.
1/14/2015 - New publication: Daniel K. Unruh, Joshua de Groot, Melissa Fairley, Anna Libo, Samuel Miller, and Tori Z. Forbes*. "Interplay of Condensation and Chelation in Binary and Ternary Th(IV) Systems." Inorganic Chemistry http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ic502313y
12/29/2014 - Congratulations to Andrew Knight for being selected for the U.S. Department of Energy Graduate Student Research Award! This award will allow Andrew to work on protactinium chemistry at Argonne National Laboratory starting next fall. Read more here: http://www.chem.uiowa.edu/news/knight-receives-doe-office-science-gradua...
11/24/2014 - New publication: Madeline Basile, Daniel K. Unruh, Kyle Gojdas, Erin Flores, Laura Streicher and Tori Z. Forbes*. "Chemical controls on uranyl citrate speciation and the self-assembly of nanoscale macrocycles and sandwich complexes in aqueous solution." ChemComm http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2014/CC/C4CC08657K?page=search
11/12/2014 - We had a blast at the MWRM in Columbia, MO! Excellent talks and posters all around. Andrew Knight (oral, Radiochemistry), Becca (oral, Organic, oral, Inorganic), Ashini (poster, Inorganic), Madeline (poster, Inorganic), Josh (poster, Inorganic). Prof. Forbes joined us and gave a talk for Radiochemistry. We were really happy (and fortunate) Mo could join us, as well as Eric from the Pigge/Schultz group. We also toured MURR.
10/14/2014 - New publication: Madeline Basile, Daniel K. Unruh, Erin Flores, Adam Johns and Tori Z. Forbes*. "Structural characterization of environmentally relevant ternary uranyl citrate complexes present in aqueous solutions and solid state materials." Dalton Transactions http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2014/dt/c4dt02442g#!divAbs...
9/1/2014 - Madeline Basile and Mo Payne join us as new graduate students, and Dr. Rebecca Laird as a new Post-Doc. Welcome to our group!
8/11/2014 - New publication: Sulata K. Sahu, Daniel K. Unruh, Tori Z. Forbes, and Alexandra Navrotsky. "Energetics of Formation and Hydration of a Porous Metal Organic Nanotube." Chemistry of Materials http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/cm5024053
6/24/2014 - Forbes Research group welcomes all of the summer students currently in the lab!
Rachel Monroe (SROP student from Beloit College), Seyvonne Ip (SSTP student from California), Avery Fordham (Juniata College grad), Andrew Kral (ICRU scholar), Brittany Cassell (UI), Jeremy Hutton (UI), Sam Miller (UI grad)
6/13/2014 - Josh gives an oral presentation at the 24th Midwest Organic Solid-State Chemistry Symposium (MOSSCS).
4/30/2014 - Daniel is now the X-ray Facility Director at Texas Tech University. Congratulations Daniel!
4/22/2014 - Ashini and Andrew both passed their comprehensive exams. Congrats!
4/15/2014 - Madeline Basile and Samuel Miller will be going to graduate school in the fall. Madeline will remain in our group here at the University of Iowa, while Sam will be off to Washington State University. Congrats!
4/09/2014 - Sam Miller did an excellent job presenting his work on uranyl hybrid materials at the 2014 Spring Undergraduate Research Festival (SURF) here on campus.
4/03/2014 - A.J. was just notified that he will be going to Colorado this summer as part of the Colorado Center for Biorefining and Biofuels REU program! Congrats!
4/03/2014 - Dr. Forbes was awarded a distinguished mentor award by the Iowa Center for Undergraduate Research and the OVPR. http://now.uiowa.edu/2014/04/faculty-staff-and-students-recognized-resea...
4/03/2014 - Andrew Knight receives an Honorable Mention for the NSF Graduate Reserach Fellowship Program. This is quite an accomplishment!
3/27/2014 - Andrew Kral received an ICRU summer fellowship! Congrats!
2/20/2014 - New publication: Daniel K. Unruh, Anna Libo, Laura Streicher, Tori Z. Forbes. "Synthesis and characterization of 1-D uranyl thiodigycolate coordination polymers." Polyhedron http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277538714000989
1/16/2014 - New publication: Joshua de Groot, Kyle Gojdas, Daniel K. Unruh, and Tori Z. Forbes. "Use of Charge-Assisted Hydrogen Bonding in the Supramolecular Assembly of Hybrid Uranyl Materials." Crystal Growth and Design http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/cg401849r
9/27/2013 - Some great press for the lab! http://www.press-citizen.com/article/20130927/NEWS01/130927005/1079/
9/10/2013 - Daniel and Josh gave excellent presentations at the National ACS meeting in Indianapolis, IN.
8/23/2013 - Welcome back to Madeline Basile from the SCUREF summer program: http://www.scuref.org/uploads/Academic_Profiles/nfusp/Basile_bio.pdf
8/19/2013 - New Publication: Daniel K. Unruh, Kyle Gojdas, Erin Flores, Anna Libo, and Tori Z. Forbes. "Synthesis and characterization of hydrolysis products within the uranyl iminodiacetate and malate systems." Inorganic Chemistry http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/ic401705j
8/1/2013 - New Publication: Melissa Fairley, Daniel K. Unruh, Amy Donovan, Samangi Abeysinghe, and Tori Z. Forbes. "Synthesis and characterization of homo- and heteronuclear molecular Al3+ and Th4+ species chelated by the ethylenediaminetetracetate (edta) ligand." Dalton Transactions http://xlink.rsc.org/?doi=C3DT51517F
7/9/2013 - We're on facebook! Check out the link below.
5/13/2013 - Congratulations to Josh for a successful comprehensive exam!
5/7/2013 - New Publication: Daniel K. Unruh, Kyle Gojdas, Anna Libo, and Tori Z. Forbes. "Development of metal-organic nanotubes exhibiting low-temperature, reversible exchange of confined 'ice-channels.'" Journal of the American Chemical Society.
4/15/2013 - Melissa Fairley will be going to the University of Arizona in the fall for graduate school. Congrats Melissa!
4/10/2013 - New publication: Samangi Abeysinghe, Daniel K. Unruh, Tori Z. Forbes. "Surface Modification of Al30 Keggin-type polyaluminum moleuclar clusters." Inorganic Chemistry
4/4/2013 - Daniel has been profiled as part of the UI Office of Posdoctoral Scholars. Check out the profile here: http://postdoc.grad.uiowa.edu/node/251
3/28/2013 - Dr. Forbes Receives NSF CAREER Award for the development of Novel Metal Organic Nanotubes.
3/27/2013 - Check out Dr. Forbes discussing our work on uranium in the environment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5twqum02a_o&list=UUMba5t2VMmjC67Xw4w0nOZw&index=5
12/21/2012 - Congratuations to Amy Donovan, Melissa Fairley, Erin Flores, Kyle Gojdas, and Anna Libo on their graduation from UI!
12/11/2012 - The Forbes Research Group welcomes new graduate students Ashini Jayasinghe and Andrew Knight.
10/5/2012 - Dr. Forbes welcomes Samantha Mae Forbes to the family! Congrats!
8/28/2012 - Daniel and wife Melissa welcome Ezekiel Kurt Unruh to their family! Congrats!
8/10/2012 - "Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Heterometallic Thorium Aluminum Polynuclear Molecular Clusters" published in Inorganic Chemistry. Congrats Melissa on your first paper!
7/26/2012 - Our web page is created.
6/1/2012 - Josh is awarded with a UIowa Chem Strategic Initiative Fund Summer Research Fellowship.
5/12/2012 - Samangi graduates with a M.S. (with Thesis). Congrats Samangi!
2/28/2012 - "Crystallization of Keggin-Type Polyaluminum Species by Supramolecular Interactions with Disulfonate Anions" is published in Crystal Growth & Design. Congrats Samangi on your first paper!
11/1/2011 - Josh de Groot joins the group as a graduate student. Welcome, Josh!
8/1/2011 - Dr. Daniel Unruh joins the group as a postdoctoral associate. Welcome, Daniel!
11/1/2010 - Samangi Abeysinghe joins the group as a graduate student. Welcome, Samangi!
7/1/2010 - Dr. Tori Forbes arrives in Iowa City and establishes The Forbes Research Group at the University of Iowa.