Welcome to the Forbes Research Group!
Recent News and Announcements
5/11/2023 - Congratulations to Dr. Dmytro Kravchuk for winning the UI Department of Chemistry Lynn Anderson Award! This award is given to one graduating Ph.D. student from the Department of Chemistry every year and recognizes productivity, creativity, and collaborative efforts in the research laboratory.
5/2/2023 - Big congratulations to Haley Lightfoot for winning the Leeper Senior Chemistry Alumni Award and the Russell K. Smimms Scholarship and Ferris Bissen for winning the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Award! Well deserved!
5/1/2023 - Congrats to Harindu Rajapaksha, Vidumini Samarasiri, Sarah Scherrer, and Grant Benthin for all passing their comprehensive exam this spring. Nice job, everyone!
4/12/2023 - Congrats to Dr. Logan Augustine for successfully defending his Ph.D!
4/11/2023 - A new Forbes group Dr! Congrats to Dr. Dmytro Kravchuk for successfully defending his Ph.D!
3/31/2023 - New publication with the Mason group and Theory Division at LANL: L. J. Augustine, J. M. Kasper, T. Z. Forbes, S. E. Mason, E. R. Batista, P. Yang "Influencing Bonding Interactions of the Neptunyl (V, VI) Cations with Electron-Donating and -Withdrawing Groups." https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c04538
3/2/2023 - New publication with the MacGillivray group: S. J. Kruse, L. C. MacGillivray, and T. Z. Forbes "Effects of Gamma Radiation on Single- and Multicomponent Organic Crystalline Materials." https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.2c01504
3/1/2023 - New publication with the Mason group: L. J. Augustine, M. M. F. Pyrch, D. V. Karvchuk, J. M. Williams, S. E. Mason, T. Z. Forbes "Density Functional Theory Guided Investigations of LIgand-Induced Neptunyl-Neptunyl Interactions." https://doi.org/10.1002/ejic.202200693
2/14/2023 - New publication: T. H. L Jahinge, D. K. Unruh, and T. Z. Forbes "Teterometallic uranyl (hydroyethyl)iminodiacetic acid (heidi) complexes: Molecular models for complex speciation." https://doi.org/10.1002/ejic.202200791